Amy Wellner


The mission of Cru is to see lost students and faculty become lifelong, Christ-centered, multiplying disciples. I got involved in Cru in college and as a result God grew my heart for the lost and gave me a vision for how he could use me in ministry. 

I've served with Cru since 2009 and am currently the Director of Talent Management for the campus ministry. This role involves stewarding 3,500+ Cru missionaries along their career path. We invite them into roles that develop them as leaders and also fit their skills and giftings, while helping them get to our locations of greatest need. Our missionaries are our most important resource in reaching students and faculty with the gospel, and I'm honored to help them grow and develop in order to reach more people. 

If you're interested in more information about my ministry, please contact me at Amy.Wellner [AT] 


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